Risk on, Risk Off – Hedge or die

Read a great book over the weekend – Fatal Risk: A Cautionary Tale of AIG’s Corporate Suicide by Roddy Boyd. Just buy the book, its full of wisdom. One of the many things that jumped out at me was how deeply Hank Greenberg, who made AIG into the powerhouse it became before the fall, was acutely aware […]

I wonder I wonder – a few questions

Source: http://dilbert.com/strips/comic/2013-01-18 A few common threads that I hear these days, that are super interesting, $NAME stock is a great buy – typically one of the FANGS or $TSLA Bitcoin is going to the moon You can never go wrong with real estate I am an angel investor (*part-time)

Whats the endgame, and will Facebook be part of it?

<Disclaimer>This is going to a wonkish post. More of a brain dump on a few interesting ideas in my head, not fully flushed out by any means!</Disclaimer> I’ve been really intrigued by the “Beyond Scarcity” series by Izabella Kaminska over at FT alphaville. The main thrust of the theory is that humanity has a certain […]