For the last post in 2019, I wanted to look back at this blogging experiment that I’ve been running. The initial impetus for the blog was to use it as a mechanism to get better at writing. I’ve found writing to be a great method to figure out If I truly understand something. As with everything practice makes perfect and blogging is how I practice!
Let’s walk through some stats! I wouldn’t call my blog views as stellar, but you dear readers who read this blog, I am very very grateful. I started writing in 2012 but really kicked it in earnest in 2018 and 2019. In aggregate this blog has had 7,372 viewers and 11,530 views since 2012. Good steady progress!

In terms of referral channels, I was very surprised by this one. The #1 referral channel is LinkedIn. I now understand the plethora of content on LinkedIn – it looks like it works! I was expecting Facebook to be the major referral but its LinkedIn by a mile!

The most popular posts have been about personal finance (Also – one of the first posts on this site). SEO works on good content – a good chunk of recurring views for these posts come from google searches.

I’m off the grid for a well-deserved break – cya in January 2020. I hope everybody has a good break and thanks for reading!